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"Culture hides more than it reveals, and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants.
Years of study have convinced me that the real job is not to understand foreign culture, but to understand our own."
~Eduard T. Hall, Cultural Anthropologist

Kouzes and Posner wrote in the book, The Leadership Challenge, that: "Leadership is a dialogue, not a monologue.”  We believe this isn't exclusive to leadership; it's important to your communication strategies online, on paper, and in person. 

If you are looking to create relationships with your customer, we can help direct that conversation from the beginning. The words you choose matter and sometimes, all you need to do is adjust your approach.

Who is your audience?  The 2020 census revealed that the U.S.'s demographic is rapidly changing.  The two fastest growing groups are Hispanics and Asian Americans (up 23% and 35.6% respectively since the 2010 census). Nearly 22% of households now speak a language other than English. Research has shown that companies are responding to this change. 

If those you are trying to reach identify with more than one culture, you have a challenge and an opportunity.  Think your audience isn't diverse?  Age and gender also affect the way we process information, so you could be missing an important audience in your own community.

To understand your audience, we believe you first need to truly understand your company and mission. What is your vision? How does your staff see your vision? What are your organization’s values?  How can you be of value to others?


After understanding who you are, our mission is to help you articulate it.  Our intercultural approach is different.  It weaves your values and mission as a company into a communication strategy that appeals to increasingly diverse audiences.

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